Links & Resources



American Academy of Family Physiciansexternal icon
Tips for preventing a sickle cell crisis.

American Sickle Cell Anemia Associationexternal icon
Information and support groups.

American Society of Hematology’s SCD Initiativeexternal icon
SCD education, research, and policy resources

Clinical Trialsexternal icon
Up-to-date information on sickle cell disease clinical research trials.

Center for Disease Control

Get all in one info about SCD from the center of disease control

National Heart, Lung and Blood Instituteexternal icon
Sickle cell information, tips for healthy living, and resources.

Sickle Cell Disease Association of Americaexternal icon
Information, news, research, and resources.

Sickle Cell Information Centerexternal icon
Information about SCD; resources for patients, families, and health care providers; research; clinical trials; news; and books.

Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Schools

Management of SCD in Schools